Hand’s On Python Training in Programming.
- Genuine Placement
- 40k Enrolled
- All levels
- English

Training Overview
Python Training | Python Programming. |
Microcontroller | 8051 / PIC / AVR / ARM / Arduino/ STM/ Beaglebone/ RS PI/ MSP430 |
PCB Design | PCB Design using Eagle Software |
Wireless Com | Wifi, Bluetooth, IOT, Lora, Zigbee. |
Sensors Interfacing | IR, Proximity, Capacitive. |
Stepper Motor | Programming & Wiring |
Syllabus - In Detail
Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms.
If you’re a student or professional software developer, you may have to work with several C/C++/Java libraries but find the usual write/compile/test/re compile cycle is too slow. Perhaps you’re writing a test suite for such a library and find writing the testing code a tedious task. Or maybe you’ve written a program that could use an extension language, and you don’t want to design and implement a whole new language for your application. Python is just the language for you.
Course Objectives
- Complete knowledge of Python Full Stack.
- Able to Program, Testing & Compile and Debug the Program.
- Able to Troubleshoot the Program.
- Introduction: History, Features, Setting up path , Working with Python , Basic Syntax , Variable and Data Types, Operator
- Conditional Statements: If , If- else , Nested if-else.
- Looping: For , While , Nested loops.
- Control Statements: Break , Continue , Pass
- String Manipulation: Accessing Strings , Basic Operations , String slices , Function and Methods.
- Tuple: Introduction , Accessing tuples , Operations , Working , Functions and Methods
- Dictionaries: Introduction , Accessing values in dictionaries , Working with dictionaries , Properties.
- Functions: Defining a function , Calling a function , Types of functions , Function Arguments , Anonymous functions , Global and local variables
- Modules: Importing module , Math module , Random module , Packages , Composition
- Input-Output: Printing on screen , Reading data from keyboard , Opening and closing file , Reading and writing files , Functions
- Exception Handling: Exception , Exception Handling , Except clause , Try ?finally clause , User Defined Exceptions
- Advance Python
- OOPs concept: Class and object , Attributes , Inheritance , Overloading , Overriding , Data hiding
- Regular expressions: Match function , Search function , Matching VS Searching , Modifiers , Patterns
- CGI: Introduction , Architecture , CGI environment variable, GET and POST methods , Cookies , File upload
- Database: Introduction , Connections , Executing queries , Transactions , Handling error
- Networking: Socket , Socket Module , Methods , Client and server , Internet modules
- Multithreading: Thread , Starting a thread , Threading module , Synchronizing threads , Multithreaded Priority Queue
- GUI Programming: Introduction , Tkinter programming , Tkinter widgets
- Sending email through python